slightly unravelled

Thursday, February 16, 2006

If I stopped now I could have a cute belt...

I'm still going 'round and 'round on the hourglass sweater. I just replaced the needle with some yarn so that I could try it on. I'm glad it fits...I've had oscillating too big/too small worries, but it seems about right so far. I think there's actually more of it than the picture makes it're missing a couple of inches due to the curling at the bottom. I've been decreasing, and I'm about to start increasing in a few rows.

Oh, but there's something that's slowing down my progress. I think it's the tangled mess of yarn with which I'm trying to knit.

In other news, I did some multi-tasking last night. I went to a bar to combine knitting, drinking and socializing. It worked out well, but I'll admit that I got overwhelmed once in a while and had to stop knitting while I talked/gulped beer. I wasn't working on the hourglass, though; I had to put some time in on the secret project because I'm hoping to have it finished soon.

And in case you're wondering what happened to the sari silk hobo bag that was almost finished? Well, it's still almost finished. It's just kind of hanging out waiting to be completely finished. I worked on the strap some, but I got bored with it and I was itching to start the hourglass, so I decided just to set the hobo bag aside for awhile and come back to it some other time...maybe if I'm having trouble sleeping or trying to avoid studying for midterms.


  • Coming along nicely Erica. I was considering this pattern until I seen your post, and now know it's bottom up. Not sure I like that idea. I'm gonna stay posted and see how it comes out.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/17/2006 3:51 PM  

  • Erica,
    I need an update on your sweater! Purty please.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/28/2006 10:27 AM  

  • There's nothing to looks the same as in that picture, but just a little bigger. I haven't had much time to work on it lately. Soon, hopefully!

    By Blogger erica, at 2/28/2006 9:25 PM  

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